Wah ternyata bermimpi itu indah loohhh... Apalagi kalau punya sejuta mimpi yang tinggi. Walaupun adakalanya yang kita inginkan tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita dapatkan. Tapi tetep harus husnudzon sama Allah karena hanya Allah yang tahu apa yang sedang kita butuhkan. Selain itu prasangka Allah tergantung pada prasangka hambanya, jadi kalau kita yakin Allah mengabulkan doa dan mimpi kita insyaAllah akan Allah berikan pula apa yang kita harapkan.
Terinspirasi dari soundtrack film drama Korea yang berjudul Dream High yang punya makna bagus terutama buat kita yang punya banyak mimpi. Lets cekidot ^^
I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
at the end of fear today too I tremble
Like a baby bird, would it fall, unable to fly
repeatedly I can do it, can my dream come true
every time I'm fearful, my belief walking step by step again
I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
I believe I can fly high
one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high
I need bravery to overcome
firstly pick myself up rise again and dare to run
once again believe in me and my destiny
climb over every wall taller than me
I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
I believe I can fly high
one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high
Dream high a chance to fly high
Now bye bye to all that hurts
try flying high like the stars in the sky
your dream will unfold
starting from now
don't be afraid of the future made by your hands
now walk totally confident
unstoppable destiny is destiny
now we soar up high
for you, this whole new fantasy
so from now, take my hand here
from now on, our aim
one dream and not give up
youthful passion all here dream high
I dream high I dream a dream
When it's tough, I close my eyes and
The moment my dream comes true
continue to recall and get up
I believe I can fly high
one day me above the sky
wings stretched out, more free than anyone else
flying rising high